Sunday, January 21, 2018

Sister Flea

Jonah, smelling badly of fish guts, walked into the foreign city of Nineveh, screaming something about the city's destruction in 40 days. Now you know what should have happened -- they should have run him off as a crazy person -- yet the Bible says that they believed him. Do you have to give up your reason in order to read the Bible, or is there something going on here we don't give enough attention to? We will have to consult with a family of fleas to shed some light in this darkness.

Join the congregation of Community Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, Ky. for this week's sermon, Sister Flea by clicking HERE for audio or HERE for text.

Community Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, Kentucky, was built on the casting floor of a 19th Century iron blast furnace. We use "The Casting Floor" as an image for the power of the Spirit to form us. Visit us at

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